Love Around the Holidays

Love is necessary specifically around this time of year. There are an abundance of family holiday get togethers sharing the magic of Christmas. It’s such a special time and crazy enough it can be the roughest.

The cold and wintery weather can often take a harsh toll on the soul. Wintertime depression is also common.. People usually sleep a lot more, overeat, and suffer from not enough exercise etc. Because of this, it can take a toll on Love. Fortunately, I have some great tips to keep love in the air around the holidays.

The funnest thing you can do is to get out of the house and get down and dirty. The reality is that I despise the coldness just as much as your average michael cross. Just embracing the cold is the best thing you can do. Go out and try to lick some falling snowflakes to really put you in the mood. The snow is really beautiful.. I love going out and having snowball fights, rolling up balls of snow to put together a snowman, just looking at the sky. Kids always have the most excitement so I suggest acting like one! Just go with the flow!

What’s next, since your really cold now?? Get inside the house where it’s warm! As soon as you get inside, take off all the cold gear, put on something warm and get ready to get warm. You’re going to need to put the pot on the stove and warm up some cocoa to get your blood pumping again! The best of the choices include hot chocolate, hot cider, or hot tea. What really makes it special is adding the little things on top. I always keep a bottle of whip cream around so that I can add it to the top. It makes it look awesome and tastes so good! Hopefully you won’t have to, but this really helped save my marriage. One more thing, add some cinnamon to the top and you’ll be good to go! This makes it look so professional. It’s true that the details make all the difference When your done prepping it all, bring it to your lover and give them a kiss.

After you’re done prepping the beverages, you should put on a blanket and get warm, sipping slowly. I love watching a little show while drinking the cocoa. Maybe even put on a movie. My personal favorites include romantic comedies. I always have some special DVDs around of my holiday favorites. Pop in a steamy winter movie and get ready for action. One of the best feelings in the world is cuddling up next to your lover, enjoying the hot chocolate and watchin a great comedy

Now, you’ve had almost an entire day of fun, so you should get ready for sleep. Take a nice relaxing bath and get clean. Once you’re out of the shower, put on a robe and get ready to get warm. Literally, get some great candles to make your room smell extra nice and wintery. Pumpkin spice or vanilla candles are the best for this time of year.. Once you light the candle, your room is ready for some serious love! Now it’s time to get it on!

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